Happy Holidays and take note of our closing days in December!
Please note our closing days and schedule your orders or deliveries accordingly.
Our Farm Services shipments will be ensured.
Albinea site will be closed:
On Friday, 8/12, reopening on Monday, 11/12.
From Saturday, 23/12, until Monday, 1/1, reopening on Tuesday, 2/1.
Due to inventory activities, the Production & Logistics depts will open on Thursday, 4/1.
Johnson Creek sites will be closed from Saturday, 23/12, until Monday, 1/1, reopening on Tuesday, 2/1.
Modesto site will be closed:
On Monday, 25/12, and Tuesday, 26/12, reopening on Wednesday, 27/12.
On Monday, 1/1, reopening on Tuesday, 2/1.
Castro site will be closed from Saturday, 23/12 to Monday, 1/1, reopening on Tuesday, 2/1.
Wroclaw site will be closed from Saturday, 23/12 to Tuesday, 2/1, reopening on Wednesday, 3/1.